Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What am I doing again?

Last night I went to band rehearsal. I love band. We played music from The Empire Strikes Back and Marriage of Figaro. We played other fun things, too, the director is a great person, and I like being around tuba players and playing with so many people. Among the numerous enjoyable moments was when a trumpet player pulled a duck call out of his bag saying, "I always carry it with me."

It almost made me want to stop playing with my quintet so I can play with the band every week.

But then I remembered: I can't quit quintet; quintet is my favorite. Isn't it? I love quintet. It's practically the perfect balance of individualism, good company, and, of course, tuba parts well worth playing.

Or maybe giving recitals is my favorite. At least, given a venue, I couldn't seem to keep myself from scheduling recitals, once I got started. I love doing them. Especially when people come and enjoy them. It's not hard to remember, though it's starting to have been a while now.

On a somewhat related topic, I seem to find other people's jobs very interesting these days. Not everybody's. But I do keep noticing jobs I don't have that might be satisfying to do and wondering why I got myself where I am and if there is some way toward something that makes me feel more alive, work-wise.

I hope I can find inspiration at work soon.

Even if it's by playing the tuba in the basement during my lunch break (I did that yesterday, too).

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