Monday, July 12, 2010

equilibrium: disturbed

On Thursday morning I got some unsettling news at work, about work. I think its elements (from my perspective) are 1. sad 2. good and 3. to-be-determined. It definitely means things will be changing with my job, which I wanted, but not like this.

I'm sure it will be for the best once it is worked out. I'm trying to keep in mind that there are a number of good options of where to go from here and that I can be happy and useful to the company in a whole array of outcomes. I'm also trying to keep in mind some wisdom from other sources:

"You should never be too depressed about your dissatisfaction concerning not finding a job you like, a place in the world that fits you. If you analyse it this general sense of mis-fit is one of the curses of your generation, one of the products of the world’s disequilibrium and chaos. It is not confined to your life, it is pretty general."
- Shoghi Effendi

"That's why we call it 'work'. We don't get up and go to 'fun' each day!"
- my former boss

"This is an opportunity to make a really great situation for you." (paraphrased)
- my current boss

On Thursday and Friday it took quite a bit of energy to deal with, but I think I'm back under control, for now, anyway. Don't worry, I'm under no illusions that life intends to let me take things easy for any real length of time.

It just goes to show: We never know what will happen when we wake up in the morning.

Change is coming. The only question is the degree.

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