Tuesday, December 7, 2010

ghost posts

I have a couple of drafts of posts saved. I think they're pretty interesting, but I don't think I'll publish them. It seems like everything I have to say lately is either too personal or won't come out right and makes me sound weird. Or both (or would it be all three...). Maybe I just don't have the right amount of time and attention to craft the types of posts I'd want to put up. I wrote some things down in a journal the other day, by hand. That felt really good, actually. Some things are only meant for paper, and only meant for me. And, perhaps, for people who ask me about them. So for anybody who is really curious, maybe we can do that talking thing people sometimes do. And if you aren't, or just don't have time, that's ok too. I can relate. To the logistical bit, I mean.

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